It is hard to imagine sitting outside on the deck in Scituate in shorts and t-shirts. Especially when the deck is currently hanging out under several feet of snow! But that’s exactly where we were, six months ago this past August, throwing out names for this great idea that was taking shape.
Swanstone. Birchstone. Barnhouse. South Shore. Guy With A Saw & Beer. Wood & Beer.
{all strong contenders}
Of course, its never all work and no play. We were working in good company, with tasty snacks and tasty brews. It was only as the afternoon turned into evening and we set up the projector for the outdoor movie (yes – its awesome!) that our ideas began to crystallize.
We finally landed on the view Matt has everyday from his barn door workshop — three young birch trees perfectly framed by the shop windows.
BirchBarn Designs.
We had a name that felt right. But many questions remained.
Who will we be?
We will be someone our customers would want to, if we were lucky, invite our work and us into their homes.
We will be approachable in our work and as people.
We will be real & uncomplicated.
What will we do?
We’ll work everyday to craft items that are as unique and individual as the people who take them home.
We’ll learn how to do it better and for less, so that small batch and handcrafted aren’t synonymous with expensive.
We’ll have fun, recognizing that we get to work at something we love everyday.
We will grow and invest in our communities locally and connect with people who might be worlds away.
Sure, there were more questions than we had answers for, but we were ready to try.
Here we are, six months later, in a place we couldn’t have imagined at the time. A website chock full of wicked good products for the beer enthusiast to the chef, to the hostess with the most-est. Satisfied customers, people who felt loved receiving an item made specifically for them, and then there is Matt & I. Wow. What an exciting ride it has been so far.
Thanks for making it all possible. We wouldn’t be where we are with out our BBD “fans”. Here’s to a fantastic first six months and to many more!
{Aaron. Jenna. Matt. Shelley behind the camera}
The night it all started.
… Also, here’s to warmer weather and outdoor movies again soon!